Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Time (not enough)

Want to knit, have to knit. Time for knitting? Not so much. Wish. There. Was. More. Even lunch break knitting has been nonexistant. Getting to work late or picking up DD or running errands...aakkk. Hmmm maybe on the way to Vegas Friday. Oh yeah, had a great big surprise from my WBF last night. We're seeing the Stones at the MGM Grand on Saturday night!!! Yip, yip, yippee. What a guy. Been planning this for 4 months in cahoots with my DD and mom. Nobody slipped, nobody gave anything away. We'll also be catching the Las Vegas Wranglers game Friday. Hockey good. WBF's sisters will be in town; 2 are going with us. WTF, this is gonna be a blast weekend. It's funny (not haha) that I have more fun with his siblings than my own sister. She and I are not exactly on the same wavelength; or in the same universe for that matter. Oh well.

Anywho, I have been getting a little knitting on my SWC lately, just not enough for me. I will try to finish my Crusoe socks (yes, i'm still working on those, don't rub it in, or snicker) So many things I want to make......I have this obsession lately to MAKE LOTS OF THINGS!!!! To just sit on my ass and MAKE SHIT. Waiting for the mail carrier to bring my Try-it-on-tubing. I hate waiting.

Wow, this is such a whiney-ass post today. Nothing profound, nothing deep. I don't even have that "I feel sorry for myself" feeling. Cuz I don't.

Going to vote after work, hope you all did too. It's important. Hey it's Tuesday!!! DD and I have a date with Gilmore Girls.

Gotta go, bye

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